CPX Research - Script Tag Documentation
We recommend integrating our script tag solution. Try to find a space on your website that is often seen by users to generate higher revenues (e.g. your side bar). This page explains how you can integrate the script tag. There are different designs to display our surveys.
Name | Screenshot |
Design 1 - Full Content Widget | Screenshot |
Design 2 - Multi Sidebar Widget | Screenshot |
Design 3 - Single Sidebar Widget | Screenshot |
Design 4/5 - Notification | Screenshot |
Version : |
v1.1 |
Last Update : |
30-06-2020 |
Step 1
Please add the following Javascript Library to your source code. It is important that you add this code in the footer just before the </body>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.cpx-research.com/assets/js/script_tag_v2.0.js"></script>
Step 2
Please add the following configuration to your script:
1. Its important that you insert the following script tag right in front of the the Library from Step 12. You can use multiple of the designs on one page -> example full content element with sidebar element can be combined
3. If you want use Design 1 -> use const script1
4. If you want use Design 2 -> use const script2
5. If you want use Design 3 -> use const script3
5. If you want use Design 4/5 (Notfification) -> use const script4 or 5
7. In “style_config” you can change the colors of the element and adjust it to your needs
8. Important: script_config: [script1, script2, script3,script4,script5], in this area you must select which elements you use. When you use only script / design one use script_config: [script1], if you use more than one example script 1 and script 2 you can use script_config: [script1, script2],
9. Go to step 3 on this documentation
// How to use:
// 1. Add div(s) to html and give it an id
// 2. add this config script before the script tag
// 3. place the script on the bottom before the closing html tag
// All instances will take up the available space of its div
// If you are using the sidebar option, please specify a fixed height
// To debug, please only use 1 option
const script1 = {
div_id: "fullscreen", // string // Entry point for the script
theme_style: 1, // int // Theme: Select 1 for fullscreen, 2 for sidebar, 3 for sidebar single item
order_by: 2, // int // Sort surveys (optional): Select 1 for best score (default), 2 for best money, 3 for best conversion rate
limit_surveys: 7 // int // Limit the number of surveys displayed (optional). Default is 12.
const script2 = {
div_id: "sidebar",
theme_style: 1,
order_by: 1,
const script3 = {
div_id: "single",
theme_style: 3,
display_mode: 1 //(optional): 1 show text "no surveys", 2 make element invisible, 3 dont render the element
// Display_mode option only affects the behaviour of the box (theme style 3) if no surveys are found
// no text, no link -> earn XX in XX Minutes, survey opening directly
// text and link -> own text + and own link
// text, but no link -> survey is opening directly
// no text, but link -> standard text + link
const script4 = {
div_id: "notification",
theme_style: 4,
position: 5, //number // default 1 // 1 = top center, 2 = top left, 3 top right, 4 bottom left, 5 bottom right, 6 bottom center
text: "",
link: "",
newtab: true
const script5 = {
div_id: "notification2",
theme_style: 4,
position: 6, //number // default 1 // 1 = top center, 2 = top left, 3 top right, 4 bottom left, 5 bottom right, 6 bottom center
text: "",
link: "https://wall.cpx-research.com/index.php?app_id={your_app_id}&ext_user_id={ext_user_id}",
newtab: true
const config = {
general_config: {
app_id: your_app_id, //number
ext_user_id: "your_user_id", // string
email: "", // string
username: "", // string
secure_hash: "", // string if enabled on publisher area
subid_1: "", // string
subid_2: "", // string
style_config: {
text_color: "#2b2b2b", // string // hex, rgba, colorcode
survey_box: {
topbar_background_color: "#ffaf20", // string // hex, rgba, colorcode
box_background_color: "white", // string // hex, rgba, colorcode
rounded_borders: true, // boolean true || false
stars_filled: "black", // string // hex, rgba, colorcode
script_config: [script1, script2, script3,script4,script5], // Object Array
debug: false, // boolean
useIFrame: true, //boolean
iFramePosition: 1, // 1 right (default), 2 left
functions: {
no_surveys_available: () =>
console.log("no surveys available function here");
}, // Function without parameter, NEVER USE window.alert... because of infinite loop
count_new_surveys: (countsurveys) =>
console.log("count surveys function here, count:", countsurveys);
get_all_surveys: (surveys) =>
console.log("get all surveys function here, surveys: ", surveys);
get_transaction: (transactions) =>
console.log("transaction function here, transaction: ", transactions);
window.config = config;
Step 3
In last step you must say were you want show the element for the user on your page. For this you must add a “div tag” with an id
For the fullscreen Widget:
<div style="max-width: 950px; margin: auto" id="fullscreen"></div>
For Single Sidebar Widget:
<div style="width: 100%; height: 150px;" id="single"></div>
For Multi Sidebar Widget:
<div id="sidebar" style="height: 469px"></div>
For Notification Widget 4/5:
<div id="notification" style="height: 469px"></div>
<div id="notification2" style="height: 469px"></div>